ArcPad Configuration File Schema
MAP Element
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ArcPad Configuration File Schema > ArcPad Element > CONFIG Element > SYSTEMOBJECTS Element : MAP Element

Glossary Item Box


When parent element is SYSTEMOBJECTS, MAP is used to specify scripts to call when Map object events occur.


MAP Element


When parent element is SYSTEMOBJECTS, MAP is used to specify scripts to call when Map object events occur.
onafterdraw optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onafterlayerdraw optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onbeforedraw optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onbeforelayerdraw optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onclose optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs
ondrawingcancelled optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onfeatureadded optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onfeaturechanged optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onfeaturedeleted optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onfeaturegeometrychanged optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onidentify optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onnew optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onopen optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs
onpointerdown optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onpointermodechanged optional
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onpointermove optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onpointerup optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onsave optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onselectionchanged optional xs:string
Specify the script to run when this event occurs.


onafterdrawxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onafterlayerdrawxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onbeforedrawxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onbeforelayerdrawxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onclosexs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs
ondrawingcancelledxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onfeatureaddedxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onfeaturechangedxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onfeaturedeletedxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onfeaturegeometrychangedxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onidentifyxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onnewxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onopenxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs
onpointerdownxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onpointermodechanged optional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onpointermovexs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onpointerupxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onsavexs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.
onselectionchangedxs:stringoptional  Specify the script to run when this event occurs.


When parent element is SYSTEMOBJECTS:

  • The subroutine called should be located in the file specified in the SCRIPT element.


Copy Code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <APPLET name="MyApplet">
      <APPLICATION onstartup="Call Initialize" />
      <TOOLBAR name="MyApplet" caption="Load Project Data" visible="true">
        <TOOLBUTTON name="tlLoadData" onclick="Call LoadData" image="load.bmp">
          <MENUITEM name="tlSetup" onclick="Call Setup" caption="Setup">
  <SCRIPT src="MyApplet.vbs" language="VBScript" />


<xs:element name="MAP" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:attribute ref="onafterdraw" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onafterlayerdraw" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onbeforedraw" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onbeforelayerdraw" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onclose" />
    <xs:attribute ref="ondrawingcancelled" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onfeatureadded" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onfeaturechanged" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onfeaturedeleted" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onfeaturegeometrychanged" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onidentify" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onnew" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onopen" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onpointerdown" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onpointermodechanged" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onpointermove" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onpointerup" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onsave" />
    <xs:attribute ref="onselectionchanged" />

See Also

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